Developing Conflict Resilient Workplaces

Developing Conflict Resilient Workplaces

A conflict resilient workplace emphasises positive relationships and strong communication so that conflict is managed early, at the lowest possible level, and with the most appropriate response.

Conflict resilient workplaces have some common properties:

  1. People like working in them and they, in turn, help to recruit great people
  2. They are more productive
  3. They get the best out of people
  4. There is less staff turnover and attrition
  5. They are resistant to the negative influences of high conflict personalities

Indeed, a healthy workplace is resistant to conflict just as a healthy garden is resistant to invasion by weeds and pests.  The properties that are present in conflict resilient workplaces also foster working environments that allow people to flourish and do their best.

In this presentation, David will speak from the experience of having been the Medical Advisor to a diversity of organisations, ranging from Virgin Australia to Victoria Police.  The principles that underlie conflict resilient workplaces are similar across organisations of all types and sizes.  David will share some of those basic principles using simple analogies, including some drawn from botany and horticulture:

  • Soil preparation refers to the environment
  • Plant selection and companion planting denotes the people
  • Pest control represents managing problems

Harvesting means the vision – what’s it all about?

Topic: Developing Conflict Resilient Workplaces

Date: Thursday 23rd November, 2017

Presenter: Dr David Eaton – Specialist Occupational and Environmental Physician, Bendigo Occupational and Environmental Medicine