Do-it-yourself, conveyancer or lawyer. What is best for me?

Have you ever thought to yourself when choosing between a property lawyer or conveyancer, ”how about I just do it myself”?

Whilst looking for a do-it-yourself solution can seem right initially, the world of conveyancing and property law is one best navigated with the guidance of experienced professionals to settle your transaction without making mistakes that otherwise could be costly.  But “what could possibly go wrong”? “The process doesn’t seem too complicated”! Here are a few things that you may encounter.

By embarking on a DIY conveyancing endeavor you will be personally responsible for any mistakes you make and therefore can encounter a range of financial ramifications that you were not expecting.

The other side of your transaction will also likely be using a property law specialist and/or conveyancer meaning that they have more insight into the legal technicalities that lie deep within the negotiation and settlement process. This can very well put you at a disadvantage as what you think you are getting, may not actually be the case.

There is a great degree of detail that goes into the process and associated documentation. One missing document can very well misguide the whole process leading to settlements falling through and expensive litigation costs latter on.

So now you have decided that a professional best guide you through this process, who do you choose? What is the difference between a conveyancer and a property lawyer?

First and foremost, a conveyancer is not a lawyer. This means that they are not trained in, or able to advise you on, specific legal points of issue. This can include the range contractual obligations and a breadth of legal consequences arising out of a number of choices you may be presented with up until settlement. In addition, property transactions often arise out of, or alongside with, a number of other areas of legal practice including taxation law and wills and estates.

Choosing to engage with Robertson Hyetts ensures that you don’t have to make that choice. Let the best property lawyers and conveyancers in Central Victoria ensure that your property matter settles free of any unwanted surprises down the track.

Contact us today in Bendigo on 5434 6666 or in Castlemaine on 5472 1588.