Trent McGregor

Lawyer & Associate

Trent McGregor likes stories and language – and a challenge. However, despite dreams of becoming an award-winning writer or an acclaimed guitar legend, it was the intellectual challenge of Law that truly captured Trent’s interest.

Trent thoroughly enjoys how Law combines a story with fact and the process of uncovering how the two work together in any matter. He was admitted to practice in 2006 after completing a Bachelor of Laws, Bachelor of Arts and Diploma of Music. Trent has also recently completed a Masters in Wills and Estates as a postgraduate student – enjoying the experience of acquiring new knowledge for the joy of it rather than working towards a vocational outcome.

Trent is an experienced lawyer in Wills and Estates, with skills and expertise in Self-Managed Superannuation Funds, farm succession planning, estate administration and Powers of Attorney matters.

“I work in an area that can be highly emotional. So, it’s important to me that I speak my clients’ language and can get to the heart of the matter without it feeling like an interrogation.”

Understanding a clients’ unique situation then clearly explaining options and possibilities is a skill that Trent has honed over many years working in firms in Melbourne and central Victoria.

Outside his successful career, Trent enjoys spending time with his family, bushwalking, mountain bike riding, supporting the Bombers, and indulging in blues and roots music (now happy to let go of the international rockstar dream).

Trent is a strong advocate for supporting those in our communities living with a disability. He champions inclusivity, awareness-raising and positive change. Trent participated in a podcast on Wills and Estate Planning for Down Syndrome Victoria in 2021, which was a career highlight.

Trent grew up in rural Victoria, and after living and working in Melbourne, he now lives in Castlemaine and works with both the Castlemaine and Bendigo Robertson Hyetts teams.