Vesna Pocuca

Lawyer & Associate

Vesna Pocuca grew up in a small town in Croatia (formerly Yugoslavia) surprisingly like Castlemaine. Both towns are close to larger cities and are peaceful and friendly, capturing all the best that rural towns offer.

Drawn to the humanities – arts, sociology, history – law had always appealed to Vesna. Her family migrated to Australia in 1999, and Vesna retrained to practise Law in Australia in 2006, completing a second Law degree – this time in English, a source of great satisfaction and pride.

Thinking back, Vesna’s journey in Law has certainly not been what she expected when she started on the pathway in Croatia many years ago. Still, ever reflective, she knows that sometimes “life just happens”. Her inherent understanding of how situations can change so quickly makes her well placed to guide and advise clients in Wills and Estates.

“Time and time again, I’ve seen first-hand what happens when people don’t have a Will. I can’t stress how important it is to have a plan in place for the future.”

Vesna is an empathetic and caring advisor, and after 12 years working at Robertson Hyetts is a trusted and supportive presence for many clients in Castlemaine. She understands that when someone passes away, dealing with an estate is a stressful situation – it’s never something people want to do, it’s something they must do. Being compassionate, sharing her knowledge and connecting with people while giving them time to work through the process are key to her success as a lawyer.

Beyond work, Vesna loves keeping fit, and you’ll no doubt spot her walking around her favourite place in Castlemaine – the Botanical Gardens. Vesna is also an active member of the Castlemaine VIEW Club (Voice, Interests and Education of Women), a fundraising organisation that supports The Smith Family programs.