The Role of Leadership in Developing Culture

About this Bendigo Regional Network Event

The word ‘leadership’ brings to mind a variety of images and definitions. In the workplace, leaders set direction, build an inspiring vision and use their management skills to bring about change and guide people in the right direction. Drawing on his experience entering into a well-established organisation as Principal of Catholic College Bendigo and then in planning and building a brand new learning community as Principal of Marist College Bendigo, Darren McGregor will compare and contrast his leadership approach in these two very different settings.  Darren will explore issues such as how a leader effectively:

  • communicates his/her  vision and the vision of the organisation
  • uses language to develop culture
  • keeps people engaged and motivated
  • identifies other potential leaders
  • plans for succession
  • incorporates and manages diversity in a team

Presenter Profile

Darren McGregor – Foundation Principal of Marist College Bendigo

Darren McGregor is currently the Foundation Principal of Marist College Bendigo – a position he began in April 2014. Prior to this Darren was Principal of Catholic College Bendigo for 10 years. During Darren’s time there, the College grew from 1,350 to 2,000 students and from 150 to 265 staff.  This was accompanied by a significant re imaging and restructuring of the College.

Darren has worked in Catholic secondary education for 25 years and has spent almost half of this time as a Principal. Darren sees Leadership as distinctly different from Management. There are currently 10 Principals or Deputy Principals in Catholic education who worked with Darren as their Principal. Darren is often involved in the “Shadow a Principal Program” and is the volunteer mentor for current Principals and aspiring Principals. Darren is heavily involved in the Marist network across Australia and has held a number of senior positions on various National Marist committees and councils. Darren is a member of the Latrobe University Regional Advisory Council here in Bendigo.

Darren has a Bachelor of Science, a Graduate Diploma in Education and a Masters of Educational Leadership. Darren is married to Jane and they have four children and one grandchild. In his spare time Darren loves to play golf and attributes his high handicap to his work commitments rather than his ability.